Tuesday, September 18, 2007

My Sacred Life - Day 17

I took a personal day off to drive up the coast, talk to the trees and read some poetry.
Sacred hookey. The little kid in me was quite giddy.
I needed a day away and without commitments - to think, rethink and let go.
I picked up this bouquet of sunflowers on my way home.
They just make me smile.

That's All That I Want From You - Nina Simone

A little love that slowly
grows and grows
Not one that comes and goes
That's all I want from you
A sunny day with hopes up
to the skies
Not a day that comes and
That's all I want from you
Don't let me down, oh show
me that you care
Remember when you give, you
also get your share
Don't let me down, I have
no time to wait
Tomorrow might not come,
when dreamers dream too late
A little love that slowly
grows and grows
Not one that comes and goes
That's all I want from you
A sunny day with hopes up
to the skies
Not one that comes and dies
That's all I want from you
Don't let me down, oh show
me that you care
Remember when you give, you
also get your share
Don't let me down, I have
no time to wait
Tomorrow might not come,
when dreamers dream too late
A little love that slowly
grows and grows
Not one that comes and goes
That's all I want from you

1 comment:

Monique Kleinhans said...

Yay! for spiritual hookie!

I love the idea! And I love your photo of the sunflowers too.

I've had a chance to read through just a few of your posts and I'm inspired by your honesty and how you cap each moment with a song. I recognize a lot of them but there is such beauty in just reading the words with out the music behind them. Reminds me that it's good to be raw sometimes...not everything needs a finished edge to be beautiful.
