Slow down... breathe... be grateful
Yesterday was very crunchy for me. I just wanted to run away and just not feel but that seemed all I could do... with a full heart and traffic in my head. I find myself, lately, impatient, frustrated and easy to tears. I feel the shifting of seasons and can taste Autumn around the corner... so happy about that. Perhaps it's just the shift that has me so emotional.
Today, I spent the afternoon among the redwoods. I took the long route and felt such peace among the trees and mountains as if I were being embraced and welcomed home. The forest always holds such powerful medicine that puts everything into perspective and allows me to breathe and just be.
I need to slow down. My heart tells me this, Spirit tells me this... and yet I'm like a muppet on crack some days. Thank Gods for laughter and family that I can talk with and connect... and be reminded that we are all spiritual beings having human moments.
Tonight, I feel much lighter and grounded. I'm so grateful for moments of clarity... and all the blessings that fill my everyday life... those subtle and those not so subtle.
The Healing Room - Sinead O'Connor
I have a universe inside me
Where I can go, an spirit guides me
There I can ask oh any question
I get the answers if I listen
I have a healing room inside me
The loving healers there they feed me
They make me happy with their laughter
They kiss and tell me I'm their daughter
I'm their daughter
(Me love you lots of lots of lots)
You have a little voice inside you
It doesn't matter who you think you may be
You're not free if you don't know me
See I'm not the lie that lives outside you
And it doesn't matter what you think you believe
You're not free if you don't know me
If you don't know me
See I am the universe inside you
You come to me and I will guide you
And make you happy with my laughter
I joy in seeing you're my daughter
You're my daughter
So believe you're not free if you don't know me
if you don't know me
if you don't know me
if you don't know me
if you don't know me
if you don't know me
if you don't know
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