Invoking Your name
does not help me to see You.
I'm blinded by the light of your face.
Longing for Your lips
does not bring them any closer.
What veils You from me
is my vision of You.
The Friend who cannot be seen is the most
subtle and precious.
The work that cannot be seen is the most
The cleaverest of all is the one who does not
deceive himself
for he has deceived deceit.
Seek the wisdom
that will untie your knot
seek the path
that demands your whole being.
Leave that which is not, but appears
to be
seek that which is, but is
not apparent.
When you see the face of anger
look behind it
and you will see the face of pride.
Bring anger and pride
under your feet, turn them into a ladder
and climb higher.
There is no peace until you become
their master.
Let of of anger, it may taste sweet
but it kills.
Don't become its victim
you need humility to climb to freedom.
I said what about my eyes?
"Keep them on the road."
I said what about my passion?
"Keep it burning."
I said what about my heart.
"Tell me what you hold inside it?"
I said pain and sorrow.
He said:
"stay with it"
I was going to tell you my story
but waves of pain drowned my voice.
I tried to utter a word but my thoughts
became fragile and shattered like glass.
Even the largest ship can capsize
in the stormy sea of love,
let alone my feeble boat
which shattered to pieces leaving me nothing
but a strip of wood to hold on to.
Small and helpless, rising to heaven
on one wave of love and falling with the next
I don't even know if I am or I am not.
When I think I am, I find myself worthless,
when I think I am not, I find my value.
Like my thoughts, I die and rise again each day
so how can I doubt the resurrection?
Tired of hunting for love in this world,
at last I surrender in the valley of love
and become free.
Hidden from all
I will speak to you without words.
No one but you will hear my story
even if I tell it in the middle of a crowd.
I have come to drag you out of your self
and take you in my heart.
I have come to bring out the beauty
you never knew you had
and lift you like a prayer to the sky.
If no one can recognize you, I do
because you are my life and soul.
Don't run away, accept your wounds and
let bravery be your shield.
It takes a thousand stages
for the perfect being to evolve.
Every step of the way I will walk with you
and never leave you stranded.
Be patient, do not open the lid too soon
simmer away until you are ready.
In this game I make the rules.
I roll you like a ball and chase you
when I choose.
In a dream my lover came
searching through my body
for the state of love.
When he could not find it
he drew his dagger and stabbed
my heart.
I am in love not only
with his smile and radiant face
but also with his wrath and contempt.
He has asked for my head
I do not care if I lose it
what makes me ecstatic is
Him asking.
Why are you so afraid of silence,
silence is the root of everything.
If you spiral into its voice
a hundred voices will thunder messages
you long to hear.
Your generosity is vaster than the sea
it does not wait for tomorrow.
No need to ask You for anything.
Does anyone ever ask the Sun for light?
I am the spirit moon
with no place.
You do not see me for I am hidden
inside the soul.
Others want you for themselves but I call you
back to yourself.
You give me many names but I am
beyond all names.
Sometimes you say I am deceitful
but as long as you are
I will be too.
Until you remain blind and deaf
I will be invisible.
Iam the garden of all gardens
I speak as the King of all flowers
Iam the spring of all waters.
My words are like a ship and the sea
is their meaning.
Come to me and I will take you
to the depthds of spirit.
GHAZAL (Urdu poetry by Sauda) - Niyaz
Your heart cannot be won by me
nor can my soul bear this restlessness.
Need is a burden which cannot be revealed
therefore I remain silent.
Whenever you are before me
my eyes fill with tears that are unable to flow,
like an ocean that stands still
at the sight of you passing by
I was able to see Niyaz with the Goddesses of my life, my sisters, in Seattle a few years ago. They blend contemporary and traditional styles with many of the songs based on the works of Rumi. You can find more info at niyazmusic.com

does not help me to see You.
I'm blinded by the light of your face.
Longing for Your lips
does not bring them any closer.
What veils You from me
is my vision of You.
The Friend who cannot be seen is the most
subtle and precious.
The work that cannot be seen is the most
The cleaverest of all is the one who does not
deceive himself
for he has deceived deceit.
Seek the wisdom
that will untie your knot
seek the path
that demands your whole being.
Leave that which is not, but appears
to be
seek that which is, but is
not apparent.
When you see the face of anger
look behind it
and you will see the face of pride.
Bring anger and pride
under your feet, turn them into a ladder
and climb higher.
There is no peace until you become
their master.
Let of of anger, it may taste sweet
but it kills.
Don't become its victim
you need humility to climb to freedom.
I said what about my eyes?
"Keep them on the road."
I said what about my passion?
"Keep it burning."
I said what about my heart.
"Tell me what you hold inside it?"
I said pain and sorrow.
He said:
"stay with it"
I was going to tell you my story
but waves of pain drowned my voice.
I tried to utter a word but my thoughts
became fragile and shattered like glass.
Even the largest ship can capsize
in the stormy sea of love,
let alone my feeble boat
which shattered to pieces leaving me nothing
but a strip of wood to hold on to.
Small and helpless, rising to heaven
on one wave of love and falling with the next
I don't even know if I am or I am not.
When I think I am, I find myself worthless,
when I think I am not, I find my value.
Like my thoughts, I die and rise again each day
so how can I doubt the resurrection?
Tired of hunting for love in this world,
at last I surrender in the valley of love
and become free.
Hidden from all
I will speak to you without words.
No one but you will hear my story
even if I tell it in the middle of a crowd.
I have come to drag you out of your self
and take you in my heart.
I have come to bring out the beauty
you never knew you had
and lift you like a prayer to the sky.
If no one can recognize you, I do
because you are my life and soul.
Don't run away, accept your wounds and
let bravery be your shield.
It takes a thousand stages
for the perfect being to evolve.
Every step of the way I will walk with you
and never leave you stranded.
Be patient, do not open the lid too soon
simmer away until you are ready.
In this game I make the rules.
I roll you like a ball and chase you
when I choose.
In a dream my lover came
searching through my body
for the state of love.
When he could not find it
he drew his dagger and stabbed
my heart.
I am in love not only
with his smile and radiant face
but also with his wrath and contempt.
He has asked for my head
I do not care if I lose it
what makes me ecstatic is
Him asking.
Why are you so afraid of silence,
silence is the root of everything.
If you spiral into its voice
a hundred voices will thunder messages
you long to hear.
Your generosity is vaster than the sea
it does not wait for tomorrow.
No need to ask You for anything.
Does anyone ever ask the Sun for light?
I am the spirit moon
with no place.
You do not see me for I am hidden
inside the soul.
Others want you for themselves but I call you
back to yourself.
You give me many names but I am
beyond all names.
Sometimes you say I am deceitful
but as long as you are
I will be too.
Until you remain blind and deaf
I will be invisible.
Iam the garden of all gardens
I speak as the King of all flowers
Iam the spring of all waters.
My words are like a ship and the sea
is their meaning.
Come to me and I will take you
to the depthds of spirit.
GHAZAL (Urdu poetry by Sauda) - Niyaz
Your heart cannot be won by me
nor can my soul bear this restlessness.
Need is a burden which cannot be revealed
therefore I remain silent.
Whenever you are before me
my eyes fill with tears that are unable to flow,
like an ocean that stands still
at the sight of you passing by
I was able to see Niyaz with the Goddesses of my life, my sisters, in Seattle a few years ago. They blend contemporary and traditional styles with many of the songs based on the works of Rumi. You can find more info at niyazmusic.com
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