So, this morning a routine oil change went from $35 to $284 when I found I needed 2 new rear tires... eep. I'm just happy that I have it covered and a little left for any other surprise that may pop up. While waiting for the work to be done, I walked up and down the mall, something I rarely do. I am not crazy about shopping malls. I've never been one to subscribe to designer names or trends. I'm quite comfy in my jeans and tee shirt, usually from Costco or on a sale rack! So... really, there's not a lot in malls that make me go WHEEEEE... aside from the quat coffee caramel bomb that make me resemble a muppet on drugs! It was nice though, quiet Sunday morning... was actually kinda fun to my surprise.
I snapped this photo of the carousel. I haven't been on one in ages and probably don't see myself on one anytimes soon - but it made me smile. I use to love the carousel when I was little... and seemed to be drawn to it anytime at the fair or amusement park. I guess the still draw me in and catch my attention. :)
Not at all how I remember it but always appreciated the twist...
Carousel - Siouxsie and the Banshees
You clamber up
And look behind
Their watchful eyes
The helping hands
A hen that's fierce
And painted blue
With red eyes
Wants to swallow you
A dragon dives and soars on tracks
The hands that strap you to its back
You turn around and look behind
Their smiling eyes
Won't help you down
Their tiny hands
Their tiny feet
Such little hearts
To miss a beat
Grotesque dwarves in mirrored rooms
Pulled and taut a thousand yous
Staring back through stinging tears
Remembering those funhouse thrills
The paintbox tunes and wild balloons
Their watchful eyes, you start to swoon
Oh painted vile in lurid hue
The snarling horse that waits for you
Its motor whirrs and colours curl
Inside your head the monsters whirl
Its motor whirrs and colours curl
Inside your head the monsters whirl
In sucked out
Time stood still
Roundabout back
Time stood still
And you remember it well
The carousel was always a fav of mine too -- and I was greatful that my kids needed "help" when they were young to ride them! Last summer I was at a mall with my eldest daughter, her son, and my youngest daughter. They had a carousel too, so my grandson and youngest got to enjoy it a few times while the eldest shopped and I sipped my coffee on the bench watching. Great day!
Oh! I love that dragon-horse or whatever it is! I ride the carousel in Missoula every time I go in the summer - almost!
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