Tuesday, November 20, 2007

7 random/weird facts ...

Bindis! :)

Ohhhh… I’ve been tagged by Beverly ( http://embraceyourgifts.typepad.com/blog/ ). Neat exercise and getting to know people!

Here are the rules of the game: Link to the person’s blog who tagged you. 2. Post these rules on your blog. 3. List seven random and/or weird facts about yourself 4. Tag seven random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs. 5. Let each person know that they have been tagged by posting a comment on their blog.

Here are 7 random/weird facts about me…

  1. I am a bit obsessive compulsive with my car radio. I have a digital tuner and when raising or lowering the volume – it must land on an odd number. Little weird? Yep yep yep
  2. I’ve always loved music. I started recording my own mixed bunch of songs when I was 3 on my Mom’s reel to reel stereo.
  3. On the subject of music, my very first record album was given to me by my mother. It had been one of the first records she bought for herself. It contains, to this day, my favorite song … Seven Daffodils by the Brothers Four.
  4. My favorite scent is the "perfumed" air walking in the forest on a crisp autumn day just after rain.
  5. I love bellydancing. I think it’s one of the things that snaps me into my body and lets me connect with spirit. Devotional dance, for me, is like speed dial to the universe. It’s about moving and feeling and becoming part of the music… part of the air… and at the same time everything and nothing.
  6. Nothing makes me smile more than a furry critter… dogs, cats, cows… love, love, LOVE animals. I find many times, I prefer the company of four leggeds to two…hehehehe.
  7. I am a hopeful romantic.
I tagging anyone who would be interested in sharing! :)

Dead Can Dance - Rakim


Beverly Keaton Smith said...

awww...a hopeful romantic as opposed to a hopeless romantic? nice! I'm right there with you on the whole animal scene. Animals have so much to teach us...if we will only pay attention to them! Thanks for playing. Great responses...really enjoyed reading them and getting more glimpses into YOU! Beverly

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing these 7 insights into you. You are a great person!